The Sequoia tree on the rock

I was curious. How can such a large tree survive on a rock! I know Luke’s words, “Some fell on rock, and when it came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture.” So then, how did such a tree live on the rock? I would like to know the process by which the seed went down through the rock, took root, sprouted, formed a stem, bloomed leaves, and became such a beautifully giant tree. I had to examine the Bible. So, I researched to find out the facts. The seed did not break through the rock. The tree took root and grew through the cracks in the rock that had already opened. Water in the cracks decomposes the rock and forms soil, creating the conditions for life to grow in harsh environment.
Thus the tree has a beautiful appearance. Trees cannot grow without water. Aha! Even on stones, if there is water, the tree can survive! Even a heart as paralyzed as a stone can survive if there is water. I thought that even a person as harden as a stone could bear beautiful fruit with God’s grace. I believe that cold hearted people need God’s living water and grace. And then, I thought that the water would be of no use unless the stone were cracked and broken. There must be ‘cracked parts’ to stay moisture water! Even if it is not perfect, broken, it needs the wounded healer’s grace to produce beautiful fruit. The ecosystem is confirming Bible’s truth.
People become frustrated and desperate while living in harsh environment that is as hard as a stone. People often blame the uncomfortable environment for why I don’t have as much fruit as other people. I realized it while looking at the tree that soared above the rock. If you would want beautiful fruit, you have to plant the seeds where they should sow on. You also have to seek God’s grace like the living water. You can break through the darkness and move forward into the bright world with another hope if you can be thankful.