The New Life Korean Methodist Church


Halleluia! Glory be to God! It is my earnest prayer that you would be blessed with the love and grace of our Lord God. At New Life Church it is our solemn commitment that we endeavor to please God, to play the role of salt and light fully in the world, and to live a life worthy to be acknowledged by God to form a community of love and happiness. In the pursuit of happiness, we welcome all the children of God with open arms. We feel it our duty to build a genuine church of the Lord impacted by the power of Jesus Christ, especially with those who have been exhausted and beaten living the harsh mundane world out there so that a solid path to life of truthful faith may be opened for them. Furthermore, we are dedicated to expanding the Kingdom of God for the purpose of transform the world in the belief that the Immanuel God be with us always throughout our missionary undertakings. It is our unshakable belief that New Life Church ought to give hope to the despaired by putting the love of Christ into practice, but also the church should yearn for the presence of God’s watchful eyes as well as His smile expecting amazing works from Him. I exhort all of you to join us to take this beautiful and happy path together wholeheartedly with joy and thanksgiving to the Lord.

Who is Rev. Cha

• Rev. Cha was born and had been raised in a 4-generation Christian family from the turn of the 20th century when the Korean Methodist Church was founded. His Christian faith was nurtured from early on by his grandfather who became a member of the First Methodist Church in Wonju, Gangwon-Do. • Rev. Cha grew up heavily influenced and inspired by his father, the late Rev. Cha Gwan-sik who had ministered Chun Cheon First Methodist Church. • Entered the Korean Methodist Theological Seminary in 1982 and earned the bachelor’s and master’s degree in theology. • Completed the master’s degree course of pastoral theology, Azusa Pacific University, California and the doctoral course of pastoral theology, Asbury Theological Seminary, Kentucky. • Taking his father’s footstep, served the Korean Methodist Church as preacher, curate, and pastor in the ministry of ‘Watchful eyes as well as His smile’ for 35 years.

In this critical era wherein truthful churches, genuine Christian minister, and real believers are desperately demanded, Rev. Cha, cultivated with God’s word of truth, is fully dedicated to his ministerial vision for rescuing lost souls and offering hope to the despaired with shedding light to wake up the world in darkness.